it would appear that, contrary to some PCs I've seen on this particular item in the last week or so, these tokens are not in super-high demand atm, so I'm personally skeptical of any price that is reported far exceeding the 50-65m pc. But as we all know, the prices of some items are rather unpredictable, so it wouldn't be totally impossible to see a sale of these tokens exceeding 100m, depending on the player putting up the offer
Late to respond but sold a lot of chests 150-170 and some helms 200+. The 500m inb posted a bit back honestly doesn't surprise me one bit but i cba waiting 1month to sell 1x helm to a fellow mercher when they more likely to buy out a wall for 350~ ea to hit that 500 price when i'm only paying 60m~ per anyway
Some people can't help themselves, anything is possible on this thread. Just wait for the sheep to take the bait and dump on them *cough* bananas *cough*
Now this is wrong, from the looks of it prices were rounded up?
I have conflict on 2 outfits, have allot of venturer outfits for sale at 4444k also have some menowin outfits for sale at 1450k and none sold.
Let's keep the manipulation and phony predictions off the thread.
While I don't agree that any of these threads should be allowed. They remain to offer people an idea of what "street value" of said items are worth as the Grand Exchange is often times quite inaccurate on certain items.
However that doesn't mean people need to post trolling posts and then dog pile on after it to keep the joke alive.
When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea; and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.