Recent prices
Drygores: 17b / 32b / 19b - 41b / 43s / 40b - r/l/m
Ascensions: 124b / 124b
Seismics: 70b/ 169b
Noxious: 235b / 145b / 151b- sc/b/st
Telos: 979b / 892s / 767b- gs/b/st
Praesul: 548b / 355b
Khopesh: 423s / 473s
Blightbound: 515s / 494b
Eldritch cbow: 1279b
Spears 150b / 344b
Format of Price Checking used on this thread is the 'b'/'s' system. It works like this...
'S' suffix - If an item is instant sold or non instantly bought then the price will have the suffix 'S', when a price has this suffix it is always rounded down to the nearest million.
'B' suffix - If an item is instant bought or non instantly sold then the price will have the suffix 'B', when a price has this suffix it is always rounded up to the nearest million.
All prices using this format are assumed to have taken place in the Grand Exchange.
If something is 78b that means that the last reported transaction was a Instant buy or a Non instant sell between 77,000,001-78,000,000.
If something is 75s that means that the last reported transaction was a Instant sell or a Non instant buy between 75,000,000-75,999,999.
Logic behind the 'b'/'s' system rounding: If someone instant buys something for 34.3m for example they couldn't have instant bought it for 34m but they could have for 35m. The reverse is true.
I bought this baby, straight cash
28-Jul-2020 19:08:45
- Last edited on
29-Jul-2020 19:17:12
Mr Moneyhold