One thing I've noticed is that with similar gear setups to you, since I don't have aura's/pocket slot items/codexes and various other boosts or max gear and am potentially missing 50-100% max potential damage on my setups that I've decided my kill speeds are too low to make bossing/raids a higher GP/Hour than my skilling methods, that can give me 20-25mil per hour and my potential to do Croesus seems more promising than to do full enclaims Telos in the near future. So that leaves me with a question of what purpose these upgrades give to me, and well for me since I am only around 85-90 in most of my combat stats, I've chosen to settle on slightly cheaper gear because it's only real purpose for me right now is to get to 99 stats and for finishing off the last 30 quests. I also have other considerations, like pieces of skilling equipment that I can buy that could cost me 50-150mil in various instances. Not that I have given up on the gear, just that I have decided that picking a combat style/a boss I want to kill is the appropriate response, given that codexes could cost 1bil, getting maxed gear, a shield swap, a top not pocket slot, could all set me back several bil and I think it's partially worth it to just be patient until ports gear because this "almost good enough" gear serves me with little purpose and it just seems overkill to have a wyvern crossbow when an upgraded bonepipe t88 ranged weapon cost 4mil and other low cost gear + ports supplementing it is sufficient to get through the content.
23-Jun-2022 08:02:59
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23-Jun-2022 08:05:03
Evil Warden