Depending on what you value items at right now, I bought Holly for around 11.5b.
Source #1
Guide price list (on page 4):
G'ween (2800-3100) x 3
Disk (3000-4000)
+325m in shards
anywhere between 11,725 and 13,625
Source #2
W2 public call outs (17&18/07/2022):
G'ween (2500-2800) x 3
Disk (2800-3200)
- not many trades for these so take with a pinch of salt.
+325m in shards
anywhere between 10,625 and 11,925
The guide on here says Holly is between 10-13b.
I'd say that's about right, maybe 10-12?
In W2 people have been calling out [S] Holly 10.5b the past couple of days. I over-paid because I was trading in items. I could have got it cheaper with cash/shards. It is what it is.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.