G.E. tax would not effect rares at all since most are traded outside the G.E. Even if they raised max cash or made it so you could use shards it wouldn't effect much since if they did a 2% tax, then flipping a gween off the g.e. would still be a 50m flip. G.E. tax doesn't make flipping/merching unprofitable either, it just makes the the spread between the bid/ask bigger. If max cash was raised and tax was implemented heres what would happen. Lets say gween bid is 2450, so 2% tax would mean 50m flip just to break even(2500m) then ask would be at minimum 2500m+ for a mercher to profit. They're going to flip for profit so they sell for 2525m for example. Then street flippers come in and not instant buy them for 2451m and then sell them for 2515m. Avoid taxes and still profit 65m cash. If the goal is to lower the cost of rares, then release NEW rares so that the ultra rich sell some of their rares to buy the new ones, while also giving everyone, including the poor, a fair and equal chance to get these new rares(through gameplay like some previously released newer rares and not treasure hunter or some farmable through alts method).
08-Nov-2021 00:40:47