Not much harm in buying it and playing around with it tbh. It always has resell value and will maintain a good chunk of it's price due to orb sets having a value with sgb/zgs prices.
Worst case, it drops, people stop making sos's all together, people still buy them, price eventually comes up again due to reduced volume and price rebounds so will never be a terrible investment.
All of this said, would I buy one? Probably not, I'd sooner just get an inquisitor's and use a nox staff where inquisitor's doesn't work or something for a similar cost overall to the SoS. Raydi's suggestion of seismics with gconc + nox staff also wasn't a bad shout but seismics are super expensive right now. I couldn't buy a wand for 106 and just bought a singularity for 322 so maybe get cywir orb for time being until sing goes down again?
30-Jul-2021 19:05:27