These are the last recorded prices of the items on this forum, but i did not pc any of these. As someone who uses this forum all the time, thank you everyone for all the hard work.
Merciless Kite: 2S
Vengeful Kite: 3B
Malevolent Kite: 6B
Tectonic: 5B/13B/9B
Sirenic: 5B/15B10B
Malevolent: 4B/10B/7B
Razorback: 2S
Ascension: 5B
Celestial: 3S
Emberkeen: 65B
Flarefrost: 57B
Hailfire: 52B
Ring of Death: 28S
Reaper Necklace: 23B
Deathtouch Bracelet: 29S
Amulet of Souls:24B
21-Apr-2016 01:08:25