
~Discontinued Item Status V65~

Quick find code: 17-18-31-66213374

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 152,172 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Surprised and Sugaraholic,

I've removed your replies to Tren and your comments on people posting Price Guides for the simple reason is your comments are off topic. You then posted them back to Tren and the rest of the F-Mods so you can dispute them. If you need to dispute anything the F-Mods do then you need to use the Review thread.

If you have issues with any prices posted beit the Guide Prices or just a post trading an item it's best to deal with it in game or over PM.

Also Sugaraholic the first part of your question was ok. The second part of your question was ok. The 3rd part however was not, hence the post being removed. Tren gave her reply that should help.


Your recent trade on a post I hid of yours is here.

Sold Santa 3.25 to Salve Eel. Screenshot from his perspective.

( )
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What do snowmen have for breakfast? Snowflakes! :P

06-Sep-2021 13:22:16



Posts: 13,925 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Traded a
Green H'ween Mask
+ 1075m for a
Red Santa Hat
from "iSniper"

Traded a
Green H'ween Mask
+ 1100m for a
Christmas Scythe
from "Atlantis"
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06-Sep-2021 13:51:30

Mar Member 2013


Posts: 5,894 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tranquilty said :

Purple Partyhat: 43,000-45,000

* best rough estimate based on previously reported trades and spreads

This compilation only includes transactions with SCREENSHOTS, TIMESTAMPS, and DATES. Trade screens MUST show the 2nd trade screen with "Other Player Accepted." Unless you see a screenshot, I'd strongly caution anyone from taking the trades seriously. If you wish to do more research, I will implore you to look at previous posts containing screenshots with visible trade screens, dates, and times. Use price check and trade discord website and their discord.

Then I'd like to do a follow up and ask you, Tranquility. Where did you get the 45b purple price from?
I have scanned the thread and all trades are 43-44b (one being 44.25b) since you started the list again and most trades, by far, are with you included. So where?
You started it again august 19th and since then, and even a month back, there has not been a single 45b purple here. Unless I'm blind.
Rank #56 Overall. 8000/1****? Hard caskets stacked. 7000/8****? Elite caskets stacked.
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Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!

06-Sep-2021 13:57:52

godekloot xd
Jan Member 2021

godekloot xd

Posts: 120 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi ,

This is the record list of our discontinued items

Previous list you can find on V65 page 91 last post: 11-July- 2021.

Prices of Rares All time highest ever noted - Forums Disc items.
With now some dates included when they were made.

Masks: 2400m/2675m/3100m- gween/bween/rween
dates : 26aug20/13dec20/26aug20

Xmas: 3600m*/4000m/10570m/23000m*
xmas scythe/Santa hat /holly wreath/ black santa hat
dates: 25may21/26aug20/15nov20/03May21

Extra: Page 120 V65 , was 23b by Babelil for Black Santa hat.
Extra: See also page 81 for 4525m Christmas scythe by mistake of someone.

Edibles: 2050m/2147m/6000m/26554m - easter egg/pumpkin/disk/wine

Half wine sold by Citi Bank: "4 disks valued at 5B each + 6.5B cash"
(see page 181 V64)*

Partyhats: 48000m/36500m/40000m*/53500m*/82000m*/110B
Cracker: 135b

Partyhat Sale Records with dates Included as suggested by Mod Tuffty

Purple: 48000m --> GuWunna, 01-may-2021 & Come Up, 10-may2021

Yellow: 36500m --> J A S H, 03–may-2021

Green: 40000m --> Haram, 26-July-2021

Red: 53500m --> Tranquilty , 29-August-2021

White: 82000m --> Haram, 07-sep-2021 (page 126 V65)

Blue: 110000m --> Ischemia, 18-may-2021 (page 40 V65) +
--> Haram, 31-Aug-2021 (Page 117 v65 by Haram)
Christmas Cracker: 135000m --> Clutch, 21-may-2021 (page 45 V65)

Sea King bought Cracker+10b for 100 easter eggs (1370s easter, last update, before 4 July)

previous Christmas cracker trades:
129000m --> Max Capacity, 26-april-2021 (page 196 V64)
W+G+15B --> Bushy, 07-may-2021 (page 22 V65)


06-Sep-2021 14:49:35 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2021 09:58:28 by godekloot xd



Posts: 13,925 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The user who made the 45b purple trade submitted it to me privately and wished to stay anonymous, but I included the 45b in my range for this week because the trade was accurate and had multiple witnesses. The whole purpose of allowing some users to submit me their trades via PM (that have the date/time requirements) is to allow more trades to get compiled per week. 2 days ago... I made a 45b Purple trade; I am in the process of unwinding that trade at the moment. For the range purposes, I will not include that trade yet. When I make a trade specifically with Party hats (with notable exceptions), I will only post once I have finished purchasing and selling the Partyhat all the way through. If I exchanged that Partyhat for other items, as an example, I will not post that trade until all items involved are sold. This is to ensure the maximum level of objectivity in terms of my transactions getting submitted.

This being said, nothing is stopping you from saying we didn't "see the trade," so therefore, it didn't happen. For that reason, I need to stress again. If you have made trades in the past SEVEN DAYS, you should be reporting them so that these price guides work FOR EVERYONE and not just FOR YOURSELF. These price guides will continue to be published once a week, every Friday.
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06-Sep-2021 15:13:02 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2021 03:37:37 by Tranquilty

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