Sea King
inb 2nd age bow 150m
so much talk for "ooohh, 2nd age getting bought up, come panic buy plz", now can't even resell for -5% less
not falling for this shit again
sweetie the demand for 2a weapons is a lot lower than for the armor pieces, but I still think 150m for the bow is cheap
well what do you know...
instant sold 2nd age bow yday for 170m
I guess it's alright since be classic said he sold his staff for 437m instantly and I think sword is well over 200m
If you are willing to chuck your most precious possessions like phats because someone said words like crashing/dying/quitting and then find yourself unable to rebuy for what you sold for, then you don't deserve to own a phat.
ni bought 2nd age bow 170m (same price) just to keep one in case they do go up like the others
If you are willing to chuck your most precious possessions like phats because someone said words like crashing/dying/quitting and then find yourself unable to rebuy for what you sold for, then you don't deserve to own a phat.