
20+ Year Veteran Cape Thread is locked

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A  Cole said :
Essentially, just because the account is old doesn't mean it's been used - i.e. it's not a very experienced player behind the account. Therefore the veteran capes don't necessarily show that the player is experienced in the game, just that the account is old.

You do know that not the point behind the vet capes right?

If you want a cape that shows "experience" thats what skill/max/comp capes are for.

A  Cole said :

As you need to be experienced a field to be a veteran in said field, it's not fitting that veteran capes can be obtained by inexperienced players.

Yet the word "vet" here is referring to age.

So it just seems, like always, ppl are trying to take things out of context.

Once again, just use the capes mentioned above to show your "experience" in a "field".
King of the Weebs

14-Mar-2021 22:51:15 - Last edited on 14-Mar-2021 22:54:49 by xxqw56chxx

A  Cole
Nov Member 2003

A  Cole

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xxqw56chxx, I am explaining to you what Sylvan was saying.

Yes, I understand what Veteran capes are for. I like them the way they are. Please see my first response regarding this.

The Cambridge dictionary defines the word veteran as "a person who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity". Sylvan is clearly going by the actual context of the word to show that the veteran capes we have does not necessarily mean veteran.

If you want to be pedantic, perhaps the name of the capes should be renamed to "Account Age Capes" or something along these lines.

I hope this clarifies the questions you were asking.


14-Mar-2021 23:43:58

Sep Member 2022


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xxqw56chxx said :
A  Cole said :
Essentially, just because the account is old doesn't mean it's been used - i.e. it's not a very experienced player behind the account. Therefore the veteran capes don't necessarily show that the player is experienced in the game, just that the account is old.

You do know that not the point behind the vet capes right?

If you want a cape that shows "experience" thats what skill/max/comp capes are for.

A  Cole said :

As you need to be experienced a field to be a veteran in said field, it's not fitting that veteran capes can be obtained by inexperienced players.

Yet the word "vet" here is referring to age.

So it just seems, like always, ppl are trying to take things out of context.

Once again, just use the capes mentioned above to show your "experience" in a "field".

I am sorry to inform you that you are the only one taking things out of context.
"Experience" in the context it was used means "amount of time spent doing it," and was used as a counter to account age.

xxqw56chxx said :
A  Cole said :

Sure that might be what it means IRL, but ingame it means something different.

Remember, runescape isnt bound by IRL laws for cases like this so words are free to mean w/e jagex want them to mean.

So if Jagex wanted to change the meaning of "pillow" to "sword fight," you'd accept that?
Just because in game a term can have a different meaning does not mean that people talking about that game, or playing that game, don't know the real meaning. Runescape is bound by how words work in the real world, otherwise there would be no way to discuss the game.
Even if a word has a new meaning in the game, the game exists within the linguistic laws we have constructed, you can't say someone's statement is invalid because they use the correct meanings of words.
Narangren Tirthallion, sword-for-hire, at your service.

16-Mar-2021 01:32:32

Jun Member 2006


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As defined by the official Jagex Blog - Design Notes: Capes of Distinction:

"Veteran cape - a cape that any player can wear if their account is more than 5 years old"

Sorry, Cambridge dictionary doesn't mean a thing to Jagex's own definition of their pixels, especially the Veteran Cape came out of the Guaranteed Content Poll:

"Guaranteed Content Poll
To accompany the design of these capes, we have decided to give YOU the final decision on what one of these capes should look like, and the cape we have chosen is the Veteran cape! "

We, the players voted for it in the Guaranteed Content Poll. It should stay the way it was because of the Powers to us, the Players. :)

16-Mar-2021 02:29:34



Posts: 1,337 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dilbert2001 said :
As defined by the official Jagex Blog - Design Notes: Capes of Distinction:

"Veteran cape - a cape that any player can wear if their account is more than 5 years old"

Sorry, Cambridge dictionary doesn't mean a thing to Jagex's own definition of their pixels, especially the Veteran Cape came out of the Guaranteed Content Poll:

"Guaranteed Content Poll
To accompany the design of these capes, we have decided to give YOU the final decision on what one of these capes should look like, and the cape we have chosen is the Veteran cape! "

We, the players voted for it in the Guaranteed Content Poll. It should stay the way it was because of the Powers to us, the Players. :)


I really dont understand why ppl are so upset about the name of the cape anyways?

Its a pixelated item in a fictional game, whats there to be "mad" about?

Seems like ppl just find things to get angry over nowadays.
King of the Weebs

16-Mar-2021 09:41:04

A  Cole
Nov Member 2003

A  Cole

Posts: 14,682 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nobody is getting "mad" about the name of the item.

The most prominent thing Sylvan mentioned that is worth discussing further is whether or not veteran capes should be available on newer accounts owned by players who have played for much longer. In other words, linking the cape to the player, not the account.

Of course, there'd be challenges in making this happen, but let's imagine that this is entirely possible to do. Will players like this to happen or not?

There's the obvious counter-argument that the capes help show how old that particular account is. In response to this, perhaps there could be new capes that transcend the account and are attached to the player.


16-Mar-2021 14:50:01

Sep Member 2022


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Dilbert2001 said :
As defined by the official Jagex Blog - Design Notes: Capes of Distinction:

"Veteran cape - a cape that any player can wear if their account is more than 5 years old"

Sorry, Cambridge dictionary doesn't mean a thing to Jagex's own definition of their pixels, especially the Veteran Cape came out of the Guaranteed Content Poll:

"Guaranteed Content Poll
To accompany the design of these capes, we have decided to give YOU the final decision on what one of these capes should look like, and the cape we have chosen is the Veteran cape! "

We, the players voted for it in the Guaranteed Content Poll. It should stay the way it was because of the Powers to us, the Players. :)

Most of us aren't saying that it should change, we're trying to explain what someone means to a person taking it in a completely different way.
I personally have no problem with the capes the way they are, I only have a problem with people who act like they are superior to others and try to put their ideas down by purposefully misinterpreting them.
Narangren Tirthallion, sword-for-hire, at your service.

16-Mar-2021 15:16:01

Sep Member 2022


Posts: 160 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A  Cole said :
Nobody is getting "mad" about the name of the item.

The most prominent thing Sylvan mentioned that is worth discussing further is whether or not veteran capes should be available on newer accounts owned by players who have played for much longer. In other words, linking the cape to the player, not the account.

Of course, there'd be challenges in making this happen, but let's imagine that this is entirely possible to do. Will players like this to happen or not?

There's the obvious counter-argument that the capes help show how old that particular account is. In response to this, perhaps there could be new capes that transcend the account and are attached to the player.


I agree with this. Making capes available to all the accounts of someone who has been around long enough would be very nice for those players who have been here since the start.
Not that that would actually do anything for me, but it is still a nice thought for those who have been around a while.
Narangren Tirthallion, sword-for-hire, at your service.

16-Mar-2021 15:18:02

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