Chef Labs
Please leave ritual xp rates alone. It was stated that it's "for the long term health of the skill," yet it was not thought of during the months of development, closed beta testing, and nearly a month of live gameplay.
Players should be rewarded for having to prep for something and having to pay attention to the screen every second of gameplay. You can get 1.5m xp/hr afking at abyssals. Why WOULDN'T having to pay attention at rituals grant you a higher xp rate? Nerfing the rate makes zero sense. Please leave it alone. Listen to your audience. Your customers. No one who plays the game wants this.
I like the reduction in disturbance xp actually, so now I am more inclined to AFK more for cozy xp.
Besides, less xp per ritual menas we will need more rituals to achieve certain Necromancy goals. Hence, we will need more items needed for the rituals like bones, mementos, ashes etc. It is good for the economy when different kinds of players are benefited from getting those ingredients.