I'll admit that I hopped on the hate train super quick, but after a week I realized it wasn't that bad. If you look at other MMOS that just give you max level, you still have to earn it through FSW. Also today they changed a bunch for the better, so no need to touch on some of the bits that others were worried about.
I was 90% on board, now I'm 95% on board. I was thinking about the famous players, or people running 2-100 alts. Before, with having to buy membership with real money, it would keep having extra alts to more of a minimum. Now we're free to power level one account with multiple a little easier. With the famous players, they got people behind them that could help.
I'm wondering if, at least during the competitive phase, actually, only during the competitive phase, if there could be a trade limit. Maybe GE only? So we all fight for resources. Or do what was done a handful of years ago. I think it was...You would have to have more quest points or a certain amount to be able to trade. Of course you could alter it differently. I'd just like to see the competitive phase as fair as possible. I mean sure you can throw 20 alts at the same resource so no one grabs it, but trading is the main thing.
Overall this is exciting, and I think a pretty decent idea for getting more people to play. I think it's pretty fair. I just hope there's a trade limit of sorts during the first 8 weeks. I doubt it, but figured I'd put in my 2GP.
Have a nice day.
I Love You, LoveYouMore
25-Aug-2022 19:51:45