In as polite as possible way, I find it to be such an awful decision that you are nerfing ritual exp instead of doing the obvious by increasing combat exp. 120, especially in a combat skill, should not take forever to achieve. The exp rate right now for the skill is GREAT and one of the main reasons I have stayed playing after coming back to the game from a long hiatus. I felt like for the first time with a new skill you got the exp gain RIGHT. And yes, I have also been training the skill with combat via slayer. I've maxed out my well of souls talents and also have 4 or 5 extra points for future updates banked already. (So I've trained the skill for at least 5-6m through combat alone) The combat exp is a LOT slower compared to rituals, yes, but THAT is the problem. Not the rituals. The combat exp needs to be massively buffed. Right now it feels bad because it feels bad, not because rituals feel good.
This also seem like a scummy practice (nerfing the exp) because you're doing it after
A.) So many people have hit 120 or maxed at 200m exp. Are you going to take away 25% of their exp and make them put in the same work the rest of now have to? Or are we just kicked down to the dirt because we simply didn't stay logged in 24/7 for the past 2 weeks to grind out the skill?
and B.) A lot of us have already purchased a TON of gp worth of necroplasm, essence and/or mementos in order to "bank" our higher levels. This is going to severely impact the materials economically and a lot of us could potentially lose millions because you've just on a whim decided "eh this seems like people are leveling too fast."
Please reconsider the ritual nerf, and instead do the RIGHT thing and buff the combat exp. Companies that heavily hand nerf things after other people have abused the buffed versions really make me intensely angry. I shouldn't be punished because you couldn't balance your skill properly on the ptr.
27-Aug-2023 18:56:51