"Question #6:
Why do players need a brand new account to play on the Fresh Start Worlds? Players do not require new accounts for other game modes like DMM and Leagues. Is this a way to entice members to pay for more subscriptions?"
"Mod Markos
So, tying into what Kieren talked about earlier, the fundamental audience we expect to be playing Fresh Start worlds are long-lapsed players and new players. The key is creating a shared starting point, which means, realistically, you need to be on a new account, starting the experience from scratch.
We don't expect it to be a thing that the currently highly active players will be playing. There is a free-to-play part of it, so you can go and experience it if you want, just generally to see what it's like. But it was never in our mind to try and encourage people to get extra subscriptions, and we thought the target audience was people who don't currently play the game.
Mod Kieren
One of the key things we wanted for this was that it's a good chance to start an account. It's a good point in time to join the game for the first time and then stick around and play it for the long run.
Now, that meant we wanted to bring your account into the main Old School after six months, and if we didn't do it on a separate account, we opened ourselves to a problem. After all, if you already have a main account saved, we would need to introduce a much more complex - long development cost - to create a proper character selection system because you'd have two main accounts. That is not something we can reasonably do.
We're not trying to get people to double dip here. The point I'm trying to make is that this is about people coming back and joining the game for the first time. Inevitably, some of you are probably going to be interested in wanting to play this and enjoy the experience, but genuinely this is about new people coming to the game and people returning after a long time."