
ED4, A Zamorakian concern Thread is locked

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Jul Member 2013


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RetterOfWelt said :
Zamorak is actually the GOD I am aligned too and I Prefer .
I admit tbh i look forward to go teeth to teeth with Zimzam, maybe even dethrone him for what ever reason (not that i have a desire nor need for it). I will be more worried at the comming road of story Jagex is going with it.

Reading back at the post "New storyline quest" makes me curious, does it mean only Zamorak and his faction? Or does this mean we will have to go and knock every god out of Gielinor one by one? Which would be a nice fitting thing to go with. But, one can only dream.

Dilbert2001 said :
Another plausible theory is some dead beings may reincarnate as something else while losing all their memories. If Zamorak dies and comes back later as a cat like Robert the Strong then there will be no concerns as he will only be passive part of the lore but not a factor to the future lore as like Bob the cat he will have no powers and no knowledge of his past live.
I think Zamorak is more of a dog person.
I do could see if it comes to it. That Zamorak drops/gives one of his gems on his head with his essence and powers for Khazard to take in order to asume his mantle.

Will be a good interesting plot.
"If you believe you can distance yourself from the harm you cause, you're deluding yourself. You're not some mindless tool. You're accountable. Your actions will catch up with you eventually." -Jedi Master Jun Seros; Swtor Bounty Hunter storyline.

16-May-2022 20:13:26

Nov Member 2020


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I think Saradomin and Zamorak will have a fight and defeat each other, leading to their daughters taking over and starting a new chapter / line of quests / new age. Who knows. Bob says:
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18-May-2022 12:33:27



Posts: 578 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After they spent years trying to make it clear that all the gods were multidimensional only to come out with an event with an npc at the end of it whose entire purpose is to shame you for daring to recognize the clues they laid that Saradomin is clearly evil, because they decided, no Saradomin is objectively the good guy actually and all of the morally questionable followers of his were actually zarosians all along... that kinda... made me stop caring about this while thing because the lore they've lain out can at any point just be ripped out and new foundation laid and people who followed saradomin the whole time just look at you smuggly and say "see? you were wrong for wanting a morally complex story, saradomin is right."

It's fairly clear they don't care about player agency. They're gonna tell the story they wanna tell and any "choices" you get along the way don't matter... I hope Zammorakians don't have to learn that lesson too, but it clearly looks like it's coming for them. Hope it's less condescending for you guys than it was toward Zarosians.

30-May-2022 03:55:31

Jun Member 2006


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Varenon said :
After they spent years trying to make it clear that all the gods were multidimensional only to come out with an event with an npc at the end of it whose entire purpose is to shame you for daring to recognize the clues they laid that Saradomin is clearly evil, because they decided, no Saradomin is objectively the good guy actually and all of the morally questionable followers of his were actually zarosians all along... that kinda... made me stop caring about this while thing because the lore they've lain out can at any point just be ripped out and new foundation laid and people who followed saradomin the whole time just look at you smuggly and say "see? you were wrong for wanting a morally complex story, saradomin is right."

It's fairly clear they don't care about player agency. They're gonna tell the story they wanna tell and any "choices" you get along the way don't matter... I hope Zammorakians don't have to learn that lesson too, but it clearly looks like it's coming for them. Hope it's less condescending for you guys than it was toward Zarosians.

Actually Jagex have asserted, through the memories of Guthix, years ago the gods are actually not good or evil but only false idols. Even Guthix confessed he himself wasn't better.

02-Jun-2022 02:07:35

Jul Member 2013


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Well seems Zamo isn't on the chopping block, for now.

Makes me wonder more what the future will bring now for him, judging by the end of the new quest. Same for the others, but so far only Zamorak and probably Zaro's execution is put on hold.... Not that i want either to die.
"If you believe you can distance yourself from the harm you cause, you're deluding yourself. You're not some mindless tool. You're accountable. Your actions will catch up with you eventually." -Jedi Master Jun Seros; Swtor Bounty Hunter storyline.

07-Jun-2022 20:23:43

Ancient Sire
Jan Member 2022

Ancient Sire

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I am personally hoping for another world event like the Battle of Lumbridge or The Bird and the Beast. I would especially be excited if Zaros came back and fought Zamorak, a fitting end to Zamorak's storyline of betrayal and unjust conquest.

Before Zamorak dies I just hope we get some fun content to explore that isn't just locked to end-game content. What I liked about the previous world events was that anyone could align themselves and participate.

With the addition of another elite dungeon, I am hoping that it is a prelude to something even bigger, rather than an end in itself for the god in question, Zamorak.

13-Jun-2022 00:40:05

Mar Member 2011


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I made a thread of my own on this topic, but I’ll post how I feel about it just to add as well.
I still wish there are options to choose from for those that see themselves aligned to their chosen god. Betraying Saradomin and attempting to sabotage, for instance. Challenge him to show him your worth instead of intending to kill or banish.

Ever since the beginning of the Sliske storyline with all the gods involved starting with “Missing, Presumed Death”, I felt that my character’s actions (we’ll call him Ignitheus here on out) and choices held significant weight, regardless of the planned ending for each event/quest. Like how he remembered you from the first World Event if you sided him. I know I’m not the only one viewing a similar way with their own chosen god.

When we had that one quest with Moira stabbing you in the back, I was really caught off guard due to the favorable choices Ignitheus had made. I figured it was one of those cases where she was being impulsive and taking opportunity, which matches up to her unpredictability, so I kind of let it slide.

Then came this most recent quest. Without going into spoiler territory, the way Ignitheus reacted and spoke throughout the entire quest did not sound like him at all.

It just feels like every choice Ignitheus has made in favor for Zamorak from the beginning of it all has left little to no impact on my character’s reputation AND how everyone and everything reacts to him. Even now, I still have that communicator just to go hang in his Daemonheim floor.

Zamorak is the God of Chaos and Father of Creation. It’s nice to see him being viewed as the bad guy as he always has been and there’s no denying he’s the one that created the Wilderness as it looks like today. I just wish there was more diversity in choices than this linear forceful view that the character is made to speak and answer all because of a set written storyline that conflicts Ignitheus’ beliefs.

23-Jun-2022 21:16:10



Posts: 433 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Varenon said :
After they spent years trying to make it clear that all the gods were multidimensional only to come out with an event with an npc at the end of it whose entire purpose is to shame you for daring to recognize the clues they laid that Saradomin is clearly evil, because they decided, no Saradomin is objectively the good guy actually and all of the morally questionable followers of his were actually zarosians all along... that kinda... made me stop caring about this while thing because the lore they've lain out can at any point just be ripped out and new foundation laid and people who followed saradomin the whole time just look at you smuggly and say "see? you were wrong for wanting a morally complex story, saradomin is right."

It's fairly clear they don't care about player agency. They're gonna tell the story they wanna tell and any "choices" you get along the way don't matter... I hope Zammorakians don't have to learn that lesson too, but it clearly looks like it's coming for them. Hope it's less condescending for you guys than it was toward Zarosians.

what really thats so boring...
Like what about Garlandia, already proof saradomin is morallay questionable. Don't think I even want to get mem for quests anymore. "oh no it was zarosians all along" is so meh

03-Jul-2022 16:27:45

Apr Member 2023


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I agree with you, for some strange reason it seems like Jagex has a thing for killing off good old content / lore making it seem like it was *terrible* and that they have great ideas, I hope they know that to some players that still is the most enjoyable RuneScape era, and by bashing it doesn't make the new company look good at all.

Just because it doesn't always make sense or overlaps itself, doesn't mean it does not make sense. RuneScape always had a connection between each and every piece of content it had, it's main theme was freedom and to roam and explore the lands of Gielinor with no attachments or specific story lines to follow. I'm not saying storylines are bad, but RuneScape did a FANTASTIC job at what they did during the first 10 years when they first created this game, and just because someone can't compliment it properly or connect to it doesn't mean it's bad.
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06-Jul-2022 06:25:31

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