Armies of Gielinor is a game developed by Jagex for their casual gaming website, Funorb, back in 2008. It is a turn-based strategy game where 2-8 players summon familiar faces from the world of RuneScape in order to fight for dominance of the map.
While watching the Idle Adventures segment of the Summer Summit, Mod Mark started talking about taking the world you love with you on the go, and that got me thinking - Armies of Gielinor could be easily converted to a mobile app! A few graphical updates, to make it look more like the modern world we know as RuneScape, and it could generate quite a bit of popularity and revenue for Jagex.
That's the idea, short and sweet. Please let me know what you think!
05-Jun-2016 18:09:51
- Last edited on
05-Jun-2016 18:10:32