Lions RAWR
I have a feeling these are not going to be the same Abyssal creatures we know so well, but one that comes from Erebus. The same ones that we saw during the Battle of the monolith.
Will be interesting where in the City the Breach comes from though.
They have been revealed, with pictures and they are coming from Senntisten Asylum which is referenced in the Broken Home quest.
Guess where is the Asylum? I'll say underneath the Cathedral as it is the sacred place protected by Ancient Warding magick, very well fit the description of an Asylum.
I have a feeling like the Pontifex Shadow Ring, we may have a few good future upgrades to our Asylum Surgeon Ring in the future.
We are likely going to get some introduction lore based content leading to the new slayer mobs like in the past. I'll guess the gods and other NPCs in the Cathedral may give us some conversation, or perhaps a cutscene or two and and then Azzanadra will give us a narrative about the history of the Asylum and its warding powers then we move onto the origins of these new slayer creatures.