33k slayer xp and 27 reaper points for normal mode, story mode does not count. Been using 2-piece crypt and 3-piece deathwarden with ani dead spell. Salve ammy seems to be slightly faster kills but changed to EoF for better healing and less food use (6.5 mins V 7 mins.) Vulnerability bombs work well.
Not sure the difference between the green and pink blobs on the ground but been avoiding both. Make sure to heal BOB after every kill or use prism of restoration as it does take damage.
Edit: May as well kill all the minions at the first 2 place of power as they will follow you anyway and you take loads of damage by the time you get to the 3 rd spot.
Would be nice if the drops were noted, I know they go in the bank if full but still pointless having items like dragon hides/scales and salvage un-noted.
20-Nov-2023 22:07:42
- Last edited on
20-Nov-2023 22:43:54
Mini JIT