Just go with me here...
Someone sees the Necromancy adverts online and thinks to themselves now is the time I try play RS, finally.
You log in, and make your way to Draynor.
You sit through the cut scene, and you head to Um. Total immersion.
You go through the tutorial and make a start. Fully immersed.
Now your turn.
First, teleport away, lose all immersion, and find a bank. ( this is an everyone fail, immersion lost all because people complained Fort Forthry had too many banks )
As a new player you realise you can't do Necro unless you get bones.
So, you now go and do combat that ISN'T Necro.
You get your bones, you get started and then realise you can't even buy and weild a wep or armour, and you need to go mining - or make money to buy stuff.
At this point you are feeling very lied to by the advertising.
... and that is before you even think of a new IM trying to do Necro.
It isn't technically called an Elite Skill, but it sure does operate like one.
For us with resources and trained skills, it is clunky and doesn't feel like a combat skill until later - but at least we can see a chance to progress.
Why are you bothering to advertise for new players using this skill when it will make them quit for being mislead?
11-Aug-2023 08:21:29