Do I need to send you a certify letter from my doctors so you can help me play the game again just like you help others that can play the normal way according to your rules and regulations?
Please let me know who I have to Adrees all about my concerns.
Must need an official name and address.
My personal problems are not for the entire Jagex community to know.
I hope I get an answer I wish you all a bless and sunny day.
I am done typing this is a big effort for me to do.
It is never too late to stay in touch.
Just want to say till later my besties. There is always a place in my heart for all of you forever.
Keeping in mind the long days we spend fishing and listening to one another till clans came a reality all around the land it was always a pleasure to listening to you all. So, all forums always have been the way for me to keep in touch with all RuneScape's members. How much fun it is to hear from each one of you and to find out what is in every one's mind and heart. I love you. The forums heart and spirit will always be alive. There always be a Rune Scape Forum wherever one or two or more RuneScape players are chatting about the history or latest content of my must belove it game. Our spirits will live forever. History of the forums is what it is our history. History shall never change or be deleted. That is what we have a history class from the beginning of time. News Lore ups and downs you name it this always will be part of the history of Rune Scape. Archeologist will have fun digging all of it and writing about it. Yep, in the future there will be a RuneScape Museum in planet Earth for al to visit and the forums will have a huge display and a giant room of its very own.
23-Jan-2024 22:29:37
- Last edited on
22-Mar-2024 11:31:00