Why can't you stop f'ing with oddments for your own selfish profits.
We play your game one way then you change it later on.. All it does it rip off the player base that supports you the most financially.
This bullcrap of reducing the oddment key purchase limit to 10 is rude af to the players that buy your crap. Some of us have built up these oddments to have fun with the addicting slot machine you gave us. Now I feel scammed to be reduced to spending 4k oddments a day for keys when it wasn't that way when I invested in them. The only reason you changed it is because you scammed everyone last Christmas with green santa hat. Now you bring us a silly dye that could cost up to $10,000 real money at a chance to get it or hey how about just buy 10 stupid bonds and buy it in game because your mechanics are so bad your items are worthless on release.
I will never buy keys again because I think you have ripped a portion of your player base for selfish financial reasons which no one is going to fall for. Reducing key purchase was for only one reason and one reason alone. To try to get more Key purchases. I hope and know you had a much worse Christmas sales holiday this year because everyone is on to you now and we all realize Jagex doesn't give 2 sheets about it's players.
27-Dec-2022 19:51:51