So I just did a pumpkin hunt in the Fort and I got an unlock token for overhead emotes. So I activated the token and went to overheads and it says you can unlock this emote by using a token blah blah. Seriously does nothing get tested before release!
I have a screenshot with you have redeemed a token and overheads are unlocked. Followed immediately by you need to unlock this before it can be used.
I have submitted a bug report but thought I would let people know so they don't waste the token.
I mean overall the event is crap compared to previous halloweens but for the prizes to not even work is just adding insult to injury.
Interesting thanks for the reply. I just checked my screenshot and apparent I unlocked overhead emotes: necromancy which would explain why the halloween ones were still locked. Note to self: learn to read properly!!!!
I thought that there was only halloween ones to be found during the event so I guess I should check exactly what potential prizes are up for grabs.