I did a little "fun" exploration in RS3 with the old "fun" crates and found some of the pre-2007 crates containing the "fun" junk like leather gloves and broken arrows are still here, but are repurposed to contain other actually fun stuff for the 2023 players wts clue scrolls, achievements, Runescores, diaries etc.
The old "fun" but junk stuff like broken arrows is still "fun" to be obtained from more appropriate sources in 2023, like Archaeology related grids, and digging spots.
Well, if you want the pre-2007 "fun" junk in RS3, some of them are still in the old crates but most are remastered into modern historical themed content like Archaeology. Meanwhile many pre-2007 "fun" crates with junk are now being remastered into 2023 content with not just fun but, most importantly, useful and appealing content for the 2023 players, both new and old.
09-Dec-2023 17:16:54
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09-Dec-2023 17:19:06