... Some changes I thought would help the Runescape customers and would benefit Jagex financially also are the following:
Suggested Change 1:
Make memberships a Jagex Account wide thing. If I pay a monthly membership, give it to all my alt's, so my Ironman, my Pure and my Main can enjoy the perks of membership for one simple monthly fee. (This would align much better with what other games do. It's not linked to the character, its linked to the account.
It sounds interesting but ...
You can add up to
20 RuneScape characters
to your Jagex account.
1 Membership divided over 20 accounts ... would mean that only 1 account can benefit from membership and all other accounts have to leave member-areas back to non-member-area. Everytime you switch accounts such movement has to take place.
I do not know if that is a good thing but I can picture myself being a benefit for the '
RuneScape Community
to keep all accounts playable with more interesting ways to play RuneScape.
It would definitely be a positive/atractive impulse to pay for a years membership and enjoy playing all accounts one may have.
What it does financially for Jagex doesn't bother me that much as shareholders already did benefit extremely over the past decade till a point it made them numb.
Suggested Change 2:
Implement a progression awards system to the game. Once players hit a certain level, maybe there could be a reward? Like a 7-day or 14-day membership, as long as they meet a few criteria points to help control bots. - Jagex Account, with 2FA, with a Bank PIN, with at least 30 hours of played time, and at least 30QP, and has reached level 1500 then every 200 levels thereafter or something like that. Most legit players would meet all of those requirements no problem.
Again more rewards ... there are already so many rewards that it reaches a point of boredom.