Now Loki has retired and no one person wants to take over how about a generic thread where anyone can post anything they find useful on Social Media?
It could work it could be a sticky and it could be around for a long time. Won't need a title change or anything. Just a Social Media Snippets title.
Thoughts about this?
Not a bad idea ... although you moderators do need a sharp eye 24/7 7days a week to filter any rulebreaking posted to keep Jagex & The RuneScape Community safe of troubles. That's a guarantee you have to have.
Now Loki has retired and no one person wants to take over how about a generic thread where anyone can post anything they find useful on Social Media?
It could work it could be a sticky and it could be around for a long time. Won't need a title change or anything. Just a Social Media Snippets title.
Thoughts about this?
Given that I hate that Jagex isn't duplicating their news announcements on other sites on here, I would love it it there was a dedicated thread for players to repost stuff so that it can be found more easily
Things may be looking down now, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel;
Do you think I should get off the tracks?
I think that would be a great idea!
Throughout running the thread, I did always encourage everyone to participate and share whatever they found, and while some people did, a lot of the time it wasn't being utilised. If a general thread is created where people can just share posts when they see fit, without the requirement to update it each month with title changes, etc. then that could work. Maybe if the opening post or 2nd post of the thread has a post link to another post in the thread, which starts off the next month, allowing people to jump to certain time periods, then that could also work. Just a few ideas anyway.
I've been poking my head around each week over the forums, and each week I've been surprised that this was still stickied.
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Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
I've been poking my head around each week over the forums, and each week I've been surprised that this was still stickied.
I don't think any of the F-Mods have the heart to unglue it. It's been a huge part of our Forum History for many years.