~im going to stand here and guarddddd this rock cause im pretty sure thats how it all started~
*ok caboose you seem nervous whats up~
~what if it is contageous i do not want to catch pregnancy!"
~"Caboose ! you were suppose to help"~
~"I was helping watch"~
~"What if something had happened?"
~"im sure i would have seen it"
~i dont think rebooting her is gonna fix her~
~well we rebooted the toaster, the teleporter...
~i still dont think the teleporter is fixed~
~we even rebooted Caboose's armour at one point, though that took a lot longer to come back online than we thought*
*it was very dark and i got to hold my breath for a very long time, i don't think there were any side effects~
~Blarg Blarg~
~wait i think im hearing a pattern, i think blarg means yes, hey alien does blarg mean yes~
~Holy .... i speak alien, awesome~
~yeah or he said "no" Blarg does not mean yes~
~no way, hey alien am i right~
~See wtf do you know*
07-Mar-2011 23:35:13