Rather than read all that right now, i'll post now to just to say you've read that wrong. & I simply implied that you also had a huge input in josh staying, take it how you like though. I'll read it properly in the morning.
Read it now and still think the same...
"without me staying in TLW Josh would've left miles before he ever did.(& Sabe ofcourse)" Was probably punctuated wrong and it came across wrong, I meant that "without me(and Sabe ofcourse) staying in TLW, josh would've left ages before he ever did."
Hope that clears things up, as for the rest it's nice to know another side of the story however I still stick to believing that up until and atleast a week or so after I left, although asking you personally and also TLW Crisis and checking the thread DAILY tyvm, that nobody had any idea as to when the intentions to move to the highers were(if any).
Every single member of TLW made it what it was yes Sabe, so maybe my story is egotistical and biased but hey it's my story, but that also means cracker and the others are wrong to say I had no impact what so ever, if that's the case.
Hopefully that'll be all on this subject. Have a nice day, and I wish TLW and each and every member all the best of luck- Seriously.
03-Jul-2011 22:05:19
- Last edited on
04-Jul-2011 12:24:17