RSN + Clan Rank: Rust D Riley ; Clan rank is Deputy Owner, but serving as Owner until Owner is off hiatus (can give more info if necessary)
Clan Name: Toxic Bankstanders
Clan Creation Date: June 15, 2020
Number of Clan Members: 489
Discord Handle: rustyriley [on the new username system, so no # discriminators]
Join TxB's Clan Discord at
(additional information: our clan leader has passed away a few months, part of why i'm trying to join the discord to talk to someone about what our next steps as a clan are)
RSN + Clan Rank: Eric1502, deputy owner
Clan Name: Keepers of Yggdrasil
Clan Creation Date: January 9th, 2020
Number of Clan Members: 224
Discord Handle: eric1502
Additional Info: 0-Rissa-0 is one of the deputy owners on the Discord but has stepped down from the position a while back. I would like to take her spot in the discord. Please feel free to contact Kid Loki for verification.
Full Clan Name: Harmonic Alliance
Official Clan Name: Harmonic Alliance
Name of Clan Representative(s): Remove: Mordredful Add: hebobear (Overseer)
Clan Creation Date: July 22, 2019
Number of Members: 91
Memberlist: Harmonic Alliance Members
Forum QFC: Harmonic Alliance Recruitment Thread
Hvey Specter
RSN + Clan Rank: Kena
Clan Name: Reborn Fate
Clan Creation Date: May 27,2012
Number of Clan Members: 25
Discord Handle: armadylangel
Additional information: Looking to get a clan takeover. I originally created the clan back in 2012, real life stuff happened, ownership was sent to RF Eragon who hasn't been active in years. Thank you for the opportunity to join Discord to plead my case.
Who am I?
12-Jan-2024 18:30:19
- Last edited on
12-Jan-2024 19:37:23