
Skull and Nop's Logo Gallery

Quick find code: 135-136-571-62835921

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zombie that apparently isn't good enough -.-
………`-.¸……..`-..¸……………….¸ˆ·¸………….;……….`-..¸……...`·›..,,¸¸_¸¸,,..-'..'·´.¸'.-´.¸' ,¸
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OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

02-Jun-2011 11:13:22 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 14:42:54 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
..¸·*'´¨`'* ·› ¸………...Chasesthesun………...¸ ‹· *'´¨`'*·¸
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OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

02-Jun-2011 11:13:22 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 14:43:17 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
America :)
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

03-Jun-2011 10:44:49 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 14:43:34 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Made this at DLU, the customer liked it a lot :­D
...`¸·……….A L L I A N C E………….·¸´
…..'¸……¸-·¬·-¸………..¸-·¬·-¸…….¸- ´
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

03-Jun-2011 10:44:49 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 14:44:21 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
An assignmet at AAA, I had to make it as realistic as possible. It's a little cramped, but I like it.
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OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

03-Jun-2011 10:44:50 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 15:18:01 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Made at DLU, Sully really liked it, because of this line
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OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

03-Jun-2011 10:44:50 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 15:19:24 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This was my promo from junior to senior at AAA. This was a favorite of quite a few people, I like the way it turned out.

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OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

03-Jun-2011 10:44:51 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 14:45:43 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Made this for a pokémon contest along with my entai, didn't win :(
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OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

03-Jun-2011 10:44:51 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 14:48:13 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;
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OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

03-Jun-2011 10:44:52 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 14:48:34 by Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Was making this for DLU when I realized someone already did it lol XD

……………………..¸. ‹‹-~·¬ *¹¹* ¬·›¸…………………………………………………………¸ ',
…………….¸. ‹-·;'¨¸. ‹-~· *¹¹* ¬·-›¸….`¸……………………………………………………..¸ '…;
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Just made a sort of mini logo for DLU
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OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

03-Jun-2011 10:44:52 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2011 14:49:31 by Nop Rs

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