Study avioding behavior (SAB short), sounds familiar? Your thread is the worst when I have to get to studying Saph. Those logo's keep me occupied for hours.
Anyway I prefer to be remembered as the one who initiated the race, rather than the one who lost it, as I kinda got side-tracked... (a) As you can see, I'm still not 99 yet, it's been stuck around 90 for years now.
Having that said, it's a shame you're officially done with all the drawing now. I still don't have that personal drawing you promised me like 5 years ago.
Furthermore, on behalf of 'us men', I'd like to apologize for not having our act together. Perhaps we'll speak again sometime and you can explain me how 'you women' do that.
(hehe, who are we kidding again?)
Hugtackles and byebye!
A bump for Saph. Gotta keep around some of the Golden Age BD# logo galleries. Back when we'd do 50-100 pages a day on the sticky... 7/10... Taking down copiers... The whole dealio.... Mashy, Art, Ethan, Froggy, Jason, Vipers, Saph, Me, Arrus, Hannah, COH, Quiet****, Cinna, and a ton others that I've forgotten right now... Gotta keep this one thread alive for the memories.
I was going through your art and I saw you mentioned Quiet =O
I totally knew him back in the day, when we were both in Petals of Amaranthus together.
What a small world..