Hello everyone, I'm back to RuneScape after a few years break and I've noticed a lot of changes since last I played, back in 2013.
Most things looks to be an overall improvement but I can't help but notice that it seems there's not many people teaming up for dungeonering etc. No D&D's I've been to on multiple world's including the dedicated D&D world's, seem to have many players playing?
I also recall that there used to be tons of players around Falador clan recruitment center, advertising their clans and players seeking a clan.
I've not seen any of that yet and it feels like the social aspect of the game was one of the more fun things to spend time on.
So I must ask, is the social thing, to get together in a clan or find some peps to go slaying monsters or lvling with, dead now days? Or is it just because I've been gone for so long, noone I used to play with is still around?
17-May-2020 21:58:54