Full Clan Name: Lost Woods
Official Clan Name: Lost Woods
Name of Clan Representative(s): me (War tortoise) & DoraExplorer
Clan Creation Date: July 30th 2012
Number of Members: At the time of this post? 144
Memberlist: This? http://services.runescape.com/m=clan-hiscores/a=373/c=9Eiz5Um-S6M/members.ws?clanName=Lost+Woods&pageSize=15
Forum QFC: Discord
Lost Woods numba 1, (NOT EE, Those scrubs are liars ;p)
Full Clan Name: Clan Quest
Official Clan Name: Clan Quest
Name of Clan Representative(s):
(Replacing Tyco Elf who is not currently one of our clan's officers)
Clan Creation Date: November 9th, 2009.
Number of Members: 477ish
Forum QFC: Offsite and
19-Aug-2019 15:20:31
- Last edited on
19-Aug-2019 15:21:18
Full Clan Name: El Imperio Latino
Official Clan Name: El Imperio
Name of Clan Representative(s): Pescao6, Alex Woodz
Clan Creation Date: January 7, 2006
Number of Members: ~200
Memberlist: Offsite @ 2007Clans
Forum QFC: N/A
I already have CLF Access. Just requesting for my new 2nd in command - Alex Woodz.
Full Clan Name: The Mayhem Mafia
Official Clan Name: The Mayhem Mafia
Name of Clan Representative(s): ViciousQueen
Clan Creation Date: October 25, 2016
Number of Members: 206
Memberlist: http://services.runescape.com/m=clan-hiscores/members.ws?clanName=The+Mayhem+Mafia
Forum QFC: 290-291-616-65845668
Proud owner of •
Full Clan Name: Reclusion
Official Clan Name: Reclusion
Name of Clan Representative(s): Remove: Tasty btw - Add: Weeep
Clan Creation Date: 11th January 2016
Number of Members: 425
Memberlist: http://services.runescape.com/m=clan-hiscores/c=BWFy6KSTyxc/members.ws?clanName=Reclusion&pageSize=15
Forum QFC: 288-289-168-66104712
Note: "Tasty btw" usually goes by the name "TastyChicken", It is possible he changed his name back to his old name by the time this gets checked.