Full Clan Name: Bellatores
Official Clan Name: Bellatores
Name of Clan Representative(s): Frozen Eye (Current Owner) Peskol (Current Deputy Owner)
Clan Creation Date: November 2016
Number of Members: 222
Memberlist: http://services.runescape.com/m=clan-hiscores/c=ihXChYz5qoo/members.ws?clanName=Bellatores&pageSize=15
Forum QFC: N/A | offsite: Discord
Clan Leader- Bellatores
Society is pushing already to much pressure
and this is a pressure-free zone
Full Clan Name: Fierce Wolves
Official Clan Name: Fierce Wolves
Name of Clan Representative(s): 360x, il wolfie li
Clan Creation Date: July 2018
Number of Members: 118
Memberlist: http://services.runescape.com/m=clan-home/clan/Fierce%20Wolves
Forum QFC: N/A
Full Clan Name: Serene Wolves
Official Clan Name: Lady Hudnall
Name of Clan Representative(s): Lady Hudnall , Steelweaver
Clan Creation Date: March of 2014
Number of Members: 166
Memberlist: http://services.runescape.com/m=clan-hiscores/members.ws?
Forum QFC: 290-291-470-66064625
Seeing that the first request I've done did not grant my clan the access and neither we received any negative response on it, I'm placing the same request back again:
I would like to request a change in clan representatives. I believe I have 'Debbee' and 'Psychozed' as my two reps at the moment and would like to change one of them.
I would like you to grant my current Deputy Owner, 'Joe Mr' access to the CLF and remove 'Psychozed' if you could.