The clan of which I was a member, WildAtHeart, disappeared unexpectedly without any notice this morning.
It's owner was unhappy with the M&S Rework and feared the Completionist Cape rework, so it's possible she disbanded it. But I find that hard to believe.
Seeing that some people couldn't disband their clans, and needed Jmod help to do so, did the wrong clan get disbanded by accident - or were we victims of someone's account getting hacked?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news
It says the following on that page
Original message details are unavailable.
Wild At Heart is no more. I've decided to end the clan, and discard our discord. We did awesome, we had a fully completed tier 7 citadel. We made up to top 100 for daily xp, for clans, for a long while.
The game has become very afk. It didn't seem to me that very many people wanted to do things together, or very often. People would say they want an active clan, chat, and discord, but would barely participate. So many would play a lot for months, then disappear, to show up months to a year or so later.
Also the racist homophobic things said was way too much for me to handle.
I also didn't like people being nice to me in private, but in public they were cold, as if embarrassed to be associated with me.
Best Wishes to everyone. I hope you all find love and peace.
Thank you. I was just coming back here, as I had found that, to note that I had learned it wasn't a bug or an accidental slip by a Jmod, but that either our clan owner quit in a huff... or her account was hacked (by someone in our clan long enough to fake such a message).
Some members have already begun forming a new clan, including both myself and the clan's former deputy owner.