Looking for some PVM Leaders for a very active 490+ social clan who is just getting into PVM.
The Clan name is "Zealmania" we have over 40-50 people in daily and an extremely organized clan discord.
Please check our clan home page/RuneClan/Clan website for more information or PM me. You will be getting your own role in the clan discord and we can discuss ranks for the right types of people. We value honesty and loyalty and a non-pushy attitude which will allow our members to learn the basics of bossing.
We are a very friendly clan community so we don't like toxic behavior, you will need to be a bit patient with our members. Most of them do have high level/gear but need to be taught. A lot of them use discord so you will have access to taggings and voice chats if required. Most of all you need to be friendly.
Please come into our discord/guest in the clan or PM me. My name has a "zero" in it. L0ne Druid#6778.
Looking for a
admin for our wonderful clan
Mad Diversity
( Runeclan link here )
Your position will require you to:
.-* Be tolerable and friendly towards pretty much anyone, but still have a backbone..
.-* Be active on Discord.
.-* Post the recruitment post in the official Runescape discord as often as they allow you to.
.-* Bump the Clan Recruitment Post on the forums
(click here)
.-* Recruit people ingame..
That's it i guess..
If you think you have what it takes, lets have a chat
In-game name: Psychologize / Psychologlze
Discord name: Psychologize#0700
Or hop in as a guest and ask around for a key rank
Looking for Admins+
for our NEW Social Clan, if you have experience in Clan Admin / Discord !
hit me up in my pm's. Alternatively Visit our Clan Chat "RS3 Lost Souls"
Click here! And Ask for A Invite
31-Mar-2021 10:32:41
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07-Apr-2021 00:59:50
s0meone dyin
Hello all, i am from a clan called Fantasy Madness. We are currently recruiting people to be pvm teachers, as we are a social / pvm teaching clan. These teachers will get admin+ rank in our new cc, and also we are looking for some recruiters.
We are newly established as of 2021-04-10. We want friendly people who have patience when teaching pvm, no elitists please. Most of us are experienced in every rs3 boss and just looking to expand our ranks.
If any of this interests you, guest in our cc "Fantasy Madness" or take a look at our recruitment thread located in my signature, here you can find our discord invite link as well.
Or Send me a Discord friend request, my discord is in my profile
TY happy scaping
Discord Is BeepBeepZoop
200m all skills
Beep Beep Zoopin
' Since 2001'
14-Apr-2021 00:35:58
- Last edited on
25-Apr-2021 16:13:51
I'm the owner of the clan "The Viribus", we currently have 142 members and counting. We're open to both p2p /f2p. We're inclusive to all levels and skill sets. We're currently looking for the following positions to be filled....
Deputy (become one of the co-leaders)
Coordinator/Admin/Recruiter - In our clan this is sorta all one job. We're looking for a few people to help with assisting members & recruiting new ones into our family!
If anyone is interested in these positions we can talk further via discord. My discord is frozn#5527