All loot must be split EVENLY at the end of the trip, unless specific loot rules have been stated
No Crashing/Trolling other clan members.
As stated above, don't troll by "accidentally" forgetting a required items for trips: weapons, food, supplies etc.
You are responsible for your own items, do not ask for gear lends or people to buy your gear. I myself am very generous but will not be taken advantage of or be used as the clans personal bank/pawn shop.
Loot is to be traded at the end of the trip to the highest ranked member and then split EVENLY by them.
If a member of your party dies or disconnects then they are eligible to receive loot 5 kills after the death or dc, providing there has been already 5 kills during that trip on their return.
We do not accept random people on PvM trips, while you are welcome to PvM with freely with others, this must be done outside of the clan as we are not responsible for you or them outside of clanheld events.
Please do not keep your party members waiting, it is infuriating. Turn up in good time and be ready.
We recommend that you screenshot all unique drops specific to that boss, so you have evidence that you did in fact receive a drop and a split this also will allow you to rank up see Ranking below
Item Lending.
We advise against lending or borrowing items from other members, as stated you are expected to bring your own items, use your own supplies and you are responsible for any items you may lose upon death or due to lending.
We will try our best to help anyone who has insuficant gear or supplies
However... IF YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST! we recommend you screenshot any item which you have lent or borrowed with the date and item stated in the chat box:
Player A lends Elysian Spirit shield [DD/MM/YYYY] to Player B.
Player B borrows Elysian Spirit Shield [DD/MM/YYYY] from Player A.
This is for your personal records, as the clan is not responsible for your decisions.
24-Jan-2020 16:02:34
- Last edited on
24-Jan-2020 16:04:35
Gh0st Malone