I know this ladder is mainly P2P, but I was wondering what options you guys had for F2P wars if any. Is there a separate league for those things or do you just have to challenge a clan outside of the ladders?
The RSW is completely focused on P2P. From what I know, there are no F2P RS3 ladders or tournies and any F2P wars that still take place are scheduled privately between clans.
I know this ladder is mainly P2P, but I was wondering what options you guys had for F2P wars if any. Is there a separate league for those things or do you just have to challenge a clan outside of the ladders?
F2P warring is dead now. No body does it because it takes no skill and its not as fun as P2P. I'd recommend training your skills and getting good P2P gear so you can have fun warring here!
RS Warring League