Has anything changed from Requiem's previous details btw?
Clan Initials/Nickname: Req
Clan Representatives: Warband, Pash, NinetySix, Gibran
Which one of the three types of memberlists will your clan be using: Full Teams
Main clan Timezone [in GMT]: BST
Swap Pash+NinetySix for Edd + Einstein924 and it's all good, thanks!
- Requiem has been added back to the warbands ladder
- TT takes #7 in matched unrestricted gamer's grotto
- PVMA takes #7 in matched unrestricted RCW
- RoG fails to turn up to their war and is dropped to the bottom of all ladders (3rd consecutive decline)
@Snoop - this thread, and the clan warring section as a whole, is not aimed at recruitment purposes. However, you can check out the list of clans and fcs that war on page 5 of this thread and visit their threads and clan chats in order to make a choice