~Welcome to~ Rsclubroyal
Join '[b]Rsclubroyal[/b][u][/u]' Clan Chat to be accepted
~Looking for the most relaxed, stoned and fun loving clan on Runescape? Love PVM? You've landed in the right place. Rsclubroyal is a clan that focuses on just having a chill and relaxed atmosphere - that is exactly what you want in a game, right? We have plenty of bossing and
We even have a discord.
~We don't really have any particular rules, basically no racism or anything stupid like that. We evaluate members through their application stage and if they don't mesh well or are disruptive then they are not accepted. This is how we keep the best community on Runescape. You make ya boiiiiis here!
~Rsclubroyal has been open since January 2015 and we continue to thrive as a clan community because the focus is on keeping the clan active and engaging for everybody
~Anybody who is interested in our community is welcome to hang out in our clan chat, however Discord is for members only.
~Ranking Up
Ranking up comes when you are active, attend events and generally show you are someone who has leadership qualities. Bumping the thread and recruiting members. Put in work and you will be rewarded. If you have any questions feel free to pm a General (star) member in the clan chat.
~Members are encouraged to create events and bossing trips. Loot split works as follows: You can either make a designated person to split the loot the god old fashion way. Or have a General (star) do the splitting.
We have an ingame Clan Chat (no shit)
We also have discord. Please pm a star for access.
~Founders: [b][forestgreen]High Im Rob[/forestgreen][/b], [darkorchid][b]Tremmu[/b],[/darkorchid] [gold][b]Jay[/b][/gold]
~Generals: Oldscool ,[/darkorchid] 1Wilderness, [lightblue]Slothgnu[/lightblue], [chocolate]Slayin Dream, [/chocolate][firebrick]IC3PEAK[/
22-Aug-2017 02:32:25