lol, i had to look at your post for a while to see the difference between Insane and Isane
;;;;;;:;::.:.. ]]]] ..:.::;:;;;;;; IsaneKotetsu ';;;;;;:;::.:..]]]] ..:.::;:;;;;;;
;;:;::.:.. ]]]]]]]]]]]] ..:.::;:;;;;;; Squad 4 ;;;;;;:;::.:.. ]]]]]]]]]]]] ..:.::;:;;
;;;;;;:;::.:.. ]]]] ..:.::;:;;' Bleach Vigilance ;;:;::.:.. ]]]] ..:.::;:;;;;;;
about the allignment...
there really isn't anything i can do without having access to the same computer and browser as you. i'm on a macbook, so my font is a tiny bit different in some ways
23-Aug-2011 04:11:37