hi all, i've been a bit busy the last couple days what with it being a holiday weekend and all...
anyways, i should have loads of spare time tomorrow (in theory) so i'll get cought up then
1) i'm too lazy to edit in all of the sigs from the last thread, so i'm just gunna save the sigs i make on this thread. (this means i have about a billion too many reserves (probably only needed like 6 or 7 pages...))
2) different computers have different font sizes, so i have trouble getting signatures to look right for everyone (i try tho)
the main cause of unnalignment is excessive amounts of text, so if the sig i make you looks unaligned you may want to consider requesting different text.
Thank you very much, I appreciate the time you put into my sig.
;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::.:.. ¸`‹ ..:.::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Snow ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::.:.. ¸~¹’¨’¹~¸ ..:.::;:;;;;
;;;;;;:;::.:.. ¸‹ ´. ¸¤ ..:.::;:;; One for the Community ;;:;::.:.. ;' . ;; .. ;; . '; ..:.::;:;;
;;:;::.:.. ¤´. ¸‹ ´ ..:.::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::.:.. ';. -.,¸¸,.- .;’ ..:.::;:;;
;;;:;::.:.. ›¸´ ..:.::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2005 - 2011 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::.:.. '‹,,¸¸¸,,›´ ..:.::;:;;;;