PopeJK_777 (He was once JOTNR)
I Rellik I (founder of the sith under the account Deleteguard)
Bob Sponge3 (JOTNR)
Greenday2301 (JOTNR)
Darthvade392 (JOTNR and original Sith)
Dragonshi555 (Founder of JOTNR before a Sith)
707Balla (I believe 707balla was once JOTNR aswell)
To add names to the first page for sith and Jedi
-Silent Shot (2nd Leador of JOTNR, joined the Sith with DeleteGuard)
-Cpt Zombie (Recruited me to JOTNR before joining the original Sith.
-DeadAntz (Original council member of JOTNR)
-King Cobra25 (Original council member of JOTNR)
-Teclis 23 (3rd leador of JOTNR, handed down the clan name to me after disbanding it)
-RookieWookie (Original council member of JOTNR)
-Jedi 47 (Original JOTNR member, council under Bob Sponge3)
-Bluecrate (Origina;l JOTNR council member, co-leader upon clans revival)
-Popcrate (Original JOTNR council member)
FieldMarshall (Original JOTNR council member, clans first lvl 126/max level)
I dont think people realize that JOTNR was founded in 2005, i lead as Bob Sponge3 from 06-07 and again in 09 for a short time.
31-May-2013 01:04:56