... and on what?
I do have high combat stats and have some nice armour. I do not enjoy combat; so have not engaged many "bosses". Still I might start doing more in near future; and, thus, would like to prepare a bit.
Upon my return to the game (after being gone 5 yrs) a few years back I purchased a set of nice armour for each style of combat, i.e. pernix, torva, virtus. (I used the torva to create "custom-fit trimmed masterwork.) I've augmented these sets and have enjoyed them for slayer tasks.
I would like to put some nice perks on some of this armour, i.e. aftershock4, biting4, precise6
I have most of the components for these nice perks already; but will only have enough for one set (one style of combat).
Can you good people in here help me think out loud as to which combat set would be most useful? (I am going to complete a lot of quests, do slayer/reaper tasks mostly.)
Also I've read wiki about getting the Ilujankan components and believe this is what I need to do to get the other 3 I need...already have 4 Ilujankan comps.
1. Get the "anima core legs of zaros" and refine them by using 2 of each essence (serenic, sliskean, zamorakian ,zasosian)
2. Use an augmentor and divine charges on these refined legs and level up to 9! (By leveling up you get the 4 comps instead of only 1 of the ilujankan comps.) May need to bring legs up to 100% repair before diss them....
3. Disassemble the legs to get the components...should get legs back!
Is this correct?
I am what I am! Acknowledging this is the beginning; and my growth is yet to end!
II Cor. 5:7 "We walk by faith! Not by sight!"