It’s been a very long time since I logged into rs3 and I wanted to come and play it again but my character is stuck behind a bar counter in falador and I have no teleports.
First of all welcome back from your break! As we all know we simply do not quit Runescape. We take long breaks
You should be able to use the home teleport. It will teleport you back to Burthorpe as this is the home teleport by default. More information here:
RS3 Teleport spells
(this will redirect you to the official Wiki. Does open a new window)
Reaching out to the Jagex support team over at their official Twitter account is also a positivity IF for some reason you are unable to teleport due restrictions. You can find their Twitter here:
Jagex support Twitter
(redirects you to Twitter. You need an account to be able to DM them)
Ooh, shiny things!
25-May-2022 17:08:56
- Last edited on
25-May-2022 18:50:24
Local Files
^ Formatted links like that only work for destinations within the RS website itself. External links need to be copy/pasted without the formatting.
Have you managed to open the lodestone interface? You should be able to access the interface through the blue 'H' button on your minimap. From there, you should be able to select an active lodestone, as some of them should have been unlocked automatically.
If that's not an option, I believe players
be able to assist you by placing teleport runes or a tab on the table for you to collect. Alternatively, you
be able to collect runes through the 'area loot' feature, if they were dropped within range by a friendly player.
If teleporting proves to be a no-go, you can contact Jagex through the support centre, which you can find
HERE (click me)
. I would imagine the 'graphical help' section would cover this, but your issue doesn't really fit into one of their sections. If you can't teleport, submit the form anyway as a last resort and let Jagex process it for you.
25-May-2022 21:35:47
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25-May-2022 21:53:04