US West - Active returning player looking to join a clan. I've been gone a few years, however, with my new job, that means I finally have time to play again! I've been back for a couple weeks to get the rust off, and now I'm looking for a clan to join to play with!
What I'm really looking for in a clan - is activity. I've been in clans where everyone just signs on, does their thing, does their weekly clan stuff, and then moves on with their day, and you might go for hours without anyone actually talking in clan chat, let alone Discord.
When I say activity, I'm looking for people in VC, willing to help by giving tips/feedback, Bossing, etc. Because that's mainly what I care about, for me, my priorities are
Chill people in VC > People who could potentially give tips/tricks/feedback > Bossing!
26-Jun-2023 02:40:48