The Gospel of Ook.
The Pre-Beginning
And the Great One known as Ook proclaimed, "Let there be Salmon."
And there was Salmon. With this Salmon, came a River.
This River was great.
The following day, Ook proclaimed, "Ookcity."
And a great city was created, populated by Gorillas.
One day, Ook proclaimed that both the Salmon and Gorilla were magnificent and he had them become one.
And so born was the Salmon/Gorilla hybrid, the first Disciple of Ook.
(This Gorilla/Salmon Hybrid was named Meek Milz and he was great. Ook decreed that, "The first who I produce shall become immortally large; an eternal testament to my power and ideals." )
The Second Disciple was known as Mr G W and bestowed upon him was the gift of eternal knowledge. The power of Cod is within the Second.
The Third Disciple shall not be revealed until the reconvening of the Council of Fishes, during the final awakening of Ook himself.
The Prayer of Ook.
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Ook Decree
The Ook is the origin of Heaven and Earth.
The Salmon is the mother of myraid things.
These two emerge together but differ in name.
The unity is said to be the mystery,
Mystery of Ook, The door to all wonders.
When the world knows Ook as Ook, Koo arises.
Thus Ook and Koo produce each other.
Salmon and Ook bring about each other.
Therefore the Ook Follower:
Manages the Ook in their heart,
Works with the myriad Salmon but does not control,
They cultivate but do not hoard,
They Ook but do not Ook.
It is because they Ook without Ook,
That in them Ook is eternal.