Welcome fellow skapers
LunarGuardians is social based PvM clan that welcomes anyone of any level, From beginners to the skillers we try help everyone progress and get more efficient with there daily skaping

We have many low-levels > High-levels with plenty of game experience so if ever in need of info feel free to ask in cc

We are currently involved in alot of PvM related content also so if killing things is also on ur list then this could be the right place for you

If you have anymore questions before you apply, drop by our cc and if you do apply, Guest in the cc so we can get you added
for info on applying skip to post 5.
Total Members: 377
Total XP: 17.4b
Citadel Level: 6 ( working on 7 )
Home World: 82
Citadel capping is not required by any member, However it would be greatly appreciated if all members was to capp and capping weekly halves the time required for future ranks.
The Rules for our clan are simple
[For All Clan Members]
1. The official RuneScape rules
2. Members are asked to represent themselves in Discord with their RuneScape name. This can be achieved by using your RuneScape name as a nickname or to put the RuneScape name between brackets. Either the member does this or a clan administration staff will do it. If one does not know how to edit the name for the Lunar Guardians channel only, a clan administration staff member will help you.
3. Respect all members of the clan.
All players who are using the clan chat are to be treated fairly and equally and are expected to abide by the rules of the clan, regardless of their clan chat rank or status on the wiki.