Every player here has something to accomplish; a place you want to get to, skills you want to have, items you want to wear, reputation or fortune you want to posses. This thread was made by players like you, who desire to teach and motivate others, to help you in the pursuit of your goals.
We always seek friends who we can share all our goals and achievements. However existing clan chats and most friends chats, seem to be indifferent to our personal goals, presenting little support. It was June 28, 2011 when finally a group of friends that met in the Goals & Achievements forum decided to start a thread and a clan chat; Goal Pursuit, a place where each can have the best social environment for us, pursuers, to focus and push all the way to the finish line.
1. Share with Friends!
Let others know about your goals. You will not only inspire those around you, but have them interested in what you are doing, so that everytime they ask, you are being reminded on what to focus.
2. Have a plan
"A goal without a plan is just a wish." Do your homework, ask for advice; guides and other fellow players. Investigate what you need. Make sure your goals are in the range of achievable too.
3. Imagine
Visualize yourself at the end; being rewarded with an extraordinary, almost undescribable feeling of accomplishment, and being admired and congratulated by those around you. Keep thinking on it, let the goal seduce you, to fire up your passionate efforts and focus.
4. Balance
Usually, people think no-lifing is the fastest way to our goals. Maybe it is, but will not be enjoyable. You see, the journey should be fun and not uncomfortable. The journey is more important than the end.
Remember RuneScape is just a game, there is also time to chill out. Share with real life friends and never sacrifice the family, sleep, or work for a game. This will genuinely keep you in the best mood to continue pushing forward.
... Continued on next post.
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25-Jan-2013 04:11:44