~ Ranking Descriptions ~
Gold & Silver Keys - Highest form of clan management, final decisions after taking every admin+ members opinions into account, along with the counsel member's votes. Also responsible for filling the Overseer positions. Responsible for occasionally bumping the thread and making sure they're kept up to date on all thread information.
Overseer - Counsel members, responsible for voting on key issues and bringing up issues from admin+ ranks. Also responsible for filling the Coordinator position. Needs to make sure favoritism is NOT being used when Coordinator is filling ranks for the admin roles. Responsible for occasionally bumping the thread and making sure they're kept up to date on all thread information.
Must have been a Coordinator first.
Coordinator - In charge of making sure all Admins and Organizers are doing their jobs properly and not abusing rank. Also responsible for filling the two Organizer ranks. Rank ups to admin must have the final approval from the Coordinator, and can not exceed the number as mentioned above, beside the ranking position list. Responsible for occasionally bumping the thread and making sure they're kept up to date on all thread information.
Must have been an Organizer first.
Organizer - Responsible for keeping track of trial members (Sergeants), and ranking them up to Lieutenant upon completion of said trial. Also responsible for filling the three (3) admin positions. Responsible for occasionally bumping the thread and making sure they're kept up to date on all thread information.
Must have been an Admin first.
Admin- Responsible for making sure the chat remains clean and friendly. Also responsible for inviting new members into the clan if Captains or Generals are too busy to do so. Responsible for occasionally bumping the thread and making sure they're kept up to date on all thread information.
Must have been a General first.