We haven't opened citadel yet but we are hoping to open it this week or so.
Capping at the citadel is not mandatory but is always appreciated!
There is a variety of ways to obtain promotions in our clan. We understand that some people will prefer certain methods over others, and so we try to give members as much choice as we can when it comes to ranking up.
The main ways of obtaining ranks are:
in the Citadel
the clan forums
-Recruiting active members
The aforementioned methods will earn you a rank up until General.
Capping on it's own will earn you up until Lieutenant. A mixture of them all is ideal.
To get up to admin you must earn it aside from all this. You must be trustworthy and show that you're able to help the members who are less experienced. As well as being mature and not trigger happy or going to be lording ranks over those who are below you.
Admins and above are held to higher regard than those who are lower. Meaning any punishments will be harsher as well as everything else associated.
Some of the responsibilities that are expected of you would be;
-Monitoring the clan chat
-Promoting capping at the citadel
-Using the forums
-Weekly capping
Clan Re-entry:
If you are kicked from the clan and want to come back you may be given a chance. However only the Owner, Deputy Owners, and Overseer can decide to bring you back or not. If you are re-added into the clan and cause further problems you will be permanently banned from the clan.
If you are interested in joining don't hesitate to visit the Clan Chat and ask one of the members to invite you or you can post down bellow. If you have any questions please do ask
Owner of True Colours
Don't be afraid to show your True Colours
Clan Bot Crew & elenora mod